4 min read

How to Excel in Legal Job Video Interviews

April 19, 2024

How to Excel in Legal Job Video Interviews

Law job video interviews have become an integral part of the recruitment process in numerous law firms all around the globe. With technology bringing drastic changes in our daily lives, the notion of using video interviews in legal employment offers companies a convenient and efficient option to interview potential employees who might be based in different cities or countries. But how can you excel in a legal job video interview? Here is your ultimate guide.

Video job interviews, particularly those for legal positions, are essential in today's digital world. According to a recent study by SHRM (the Society for Human Resource Management), more than 60% of companies use video interviews as a part of their hiring process.

Besides its global reach, the use of video interviews also provides firms an opportunity to evaluate candidates' communication skills, demeanor, and other non-verbal cues that might get lost in a traditional phone call. As a result, the number of legal job video interviews is on a steep rise.

Like any job interview, the key to nailing a legal job video interview lies in preparation. Here's what you can do:

  1. Research: Learn about the company’s core values, culture, structure, and recent issues. Understanding the company would help you tailor your responses in a way that fits the organizational culture.

  2. Technical Setup: Make sure your tech setup is running smoothly. Test your internet connectivity, camera, and microphone beforehand to avoid any technical difficulties during the interview.

  3. Environment: Choose a quiet and uncluttered space for the interview. Ensure that the background is professional and not distracting.

  4. Dress Code: Dress as you would for a face-to-face interview. This demonstrates your professionalism and respect for the legal profession.

  5. Practice: To be comfortable and confident, rehearse your responses using video software. This would reduce the risk of stumbling or getting caught off guard during the interview.

Once you have prepared for your interview, focus on following these tips during the interview to make a lasting impression.

I. Make a Connection

Try to establish a rapport with your interviewer. Begin with a warm greeting and maintain a friendly demeanor throughout. Explain why you are excited about this opportunity, and speak about common interests, if any.

II. Maintain Eye Contact

Good eye contact is essential in an interview. This not only shows respect but also confidence and honesty. When engaged in a video interview, look at the camera, not your computer screen, as this translates to direct eye contact on the other end.

III. Body Language

Your body language says a lot about your confidence and interest level. Sit comfortably but avoid slouching. Gestures like nodding show that you're actively engaged in the conversation.

IV. Clear and Concise Communication

Keep your responses on point and avoid filling the silence with unnecessary chatter. Back up your answers with examples when possible. Remember, interviewers appreciate concise, waffle-free responses.

V. Follow Up

Always follow up with a thank-you note or email after the interview. This will remind the interviewer of your conversation, leave a positive impression and show your appreciation for the opportunity.

While preparing for and conducting a legal job video interview, there are several pitfalls you must avoid.

  1. Not having a back-up plan for technical issues.

  2. Poor framing or lighting, which can be avoided by testing your setup beforehand.

  3. Failing to address the interviewer by their proper title (E.g., Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc.)

  4. Not preparing responses to common interview questions.

  5. Overlooking the importance of body language.

  6. Wearing unprofessional attire.

Legal job video interviews are an important step towards securing your dream job in the legal profession. By being adequately prepared and avoiding common pitfalls, you can present your capabilities confidently and professionally. Remember, the goal is not just to answer questions but to demonstrate how you can be an asset to the organization. With these tips, you should be well-equipped for success in your legal job video interviews.

April 19, 2024

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